Andrew Mitchell: I'll Never Know Why PC Lied

16 January 2014, 16:28 | Updated: 24 August 2016, 12:36

Andrew Mitchell Downing Street

Former Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell says he's upset that he'll never find out why a police officer lied about witnessing the plebgate scandal.

Mr Mitchell gave his first live broadcast interview since a police officer admitted lying about witnessing the plebgate scandal.

He told LBC 97.3 he's disappointed he won't find out why PC Keith Wallis made up the claims he witnessed his exchange with police in September 2012.

He said: "As he has pleaded guilty, we will not hear him cross-examined and able to explain who put him up to it, why he did it, what his motivation was and who else was involved.

"That is a worry."

The former Minister described moments in the experience as frightening, saying: "The arrival of emails, which are now a matter of public knowledge, were very convincing but utterly false.

"It was a very frightening moment when it appears that something really terrible is happening over which you have no control."

Mr Mitchell also told us he thinks a Royal Commission into the future of the police should be considered.

He told Iain Dale At Drive: "A Royal Commission is one mechanism which should certainly be considered and it may be that we should have a Royal Commission.

"But I think we need mechanisms for reform to restore trust in the police and I think the police want to see that as well.

Mr Mitchell says there needs to be a massive increase in the reach and ability of the Independent Police Complaints Commission - and that he'd also support police officers wearing cameras.