"Lefty" Caller Tells Hopkins 'I Now Have More In Common With Farage And Trump'

22 January 2017, 13:03 | Updated: 23 January 2017, 07:41

Trump Hopkins And Farage

Self-confessed "Lefty" Howard phoned Katie Hopkins to say he now has more in common with Trump and Farage than traditional left-wing politicians.

Howard from Hastings phoned Katie, who was broadcasting live from the US following Trump’s inauguration, about the new President.

He said: “A lot of people have been ringing in talking about frustration, and I am one of them. I am incredibly frustrated and I have been ever since the EU referendum. I was very strongly in favour of us leaving.

“Since then, my partner and I have both experienced endless frustration with the sort of rhetoric coming out of the media…I think it’s all come to, built up to, come to a crunch time, where the establishment, the liberal establishment think has its origins going back a long way, and I think really what they’re all about is paternalism, and not really trusting people to make decisions, democratic decisions, who cook up ideas in think tanks, and social engineering, and think that they know best. 

“And those are the same people I think have always been historically about imperialism and adventurism abroad, and spreading sort of Western cultural dominance all around the world, whether that’s the right thing to do or not.  

“It’s just not the right who is frustrated. I’m a lefty who is frustrated because I have so much more in common with what Trump is saying and what Nigel Farage is saying on LBC, it doesn’t make any sense any more. 

“It’s completely screwed my head up. And all of the people who are protesting against Brexit, and…getting into a tiz over Donald Trump, they seem to be protesting on behalf of the establishment, and for the establishment, and for increased globalisation. It just doesn’t make any sense.”