Shelagh Fogarty 1pm - 4pm
26 March 2020, 11:54 | Updated: 7 June 2023, 08:56
LBC is joining forces with our sister stations across Global to say a big thank you to our NHS heroes.
While we are on lockdown, the men and women of the NHS are working tirelessly to try and protect us during this unprecedented outbreak.
They really are the unsung heroes of this country – and, even though this is only the beginning of what looks set to be a challenging and difficult few months, we here at LBC want them to know, on behalf of you and everybody listening right now – how much they are appreciated. Tonight, we’re coming together, for them.
We asked key public figures from the Health Secretary to the Archbishop of Canterbury why they would be joining in and opening their front door this evening to #ClapForOurCarers.
Politicians tell us why they are Applauding Our NHS Heroes tonight
Archbishop of Canterbury
The NHS expresses everything that is best in what has made this country what it is. It expresses our Christian values and hopes. It expresses the values of people of faith and no faith. It is a place of hope and giving. Thank you, NHS. Let us applaud the NHS.
Health Secretary
My colleagues in the NHS do so much to look after us, especially in our hour of need and never more so than during the coronavirus crisis. So let's join together at 8pm tonight to say thank you to everyone in the NHS.
Labour leader
I applaud the NHS, I clap for the NHS, I love the NHS. Well done everyone who works for the National Health Service and our care services and all the GP practices and everywhere else. You’re doing a fantastic job and I think the whole country has begun to realise how much we rely on you and on each other to get through this particular crisis. Thanks a lot and well done.
Mayor of London
I want to thank every single person that works in the NHS in London and around our country. You truly are the best. Your hard work, dedication and courage is saving lives every single day and we need you now more than ever before. I urge everyone to join together and applaud for our NHS. Thank you.
Labour MP
I just want to say a massive thank you to all NHS workers who look after us at the best of times, but now in the worst of times, are putting themselves in harm's way for us. We salute you. We thank you. And today, with everybody else, I applaud the NHS.
Shadow Health Secretary
A massive thank you to our amazing NHS staff. We are so in your debt.
Bishop of London
As a former nurse, I know how hard everyone is working at the moment in our NHS at this difficult time. I am so proud of them. Please applaud our wonderful NHS tonight.
LBC presenter
We all know the NHS is there for us 24-hours-a day, seven days a week. Now this is your moment to show your appreciation for the heroes on the frontline. Tonight at 8, everyone at LBC will be opening their doors and their windows and offering a round of applause. And I want you to do that as well. This is our moment to give our thanks. An applause for the heroes of the NHS on the frontline.