Matthew Wright 7am - 10am
23 April 2020, 14:39
13 year old raises £3500 by clapping for 12 hours straight
A 13-year-old boy is raising more than £3,500 for the NHS by clapping for 12 straight hours ahead of the national show of appreciation for our NHS heroes tonight.
Theo Woods, from Hartlepool, is clapping from 8am to 8pm today to show thanks to the UK's NHS heroes.
The 13-year-old said he is doing it to show NHS workers how appreciated they are for risking their lives during the coronavirus pandemic.
He told LBC News: "I'm clapping for 12 hours because I love clapping on a Thursday at 8PM every week for all these nurses putting in 12 hour shifts so I thought that I'd do a 12 hour clap.
"I wasn't expecting to raise the amount of money I have at all - I was expecting about £400."
His efforts come on the fifth week that the nation has come together to clap for our NHS heroes and key workers.
On Thursdays at 8pm, people have been clapping, cheering, banging pots and pans and beeping car horns to show their appreciation for heroic NHS staff and all the work they are doing.
Theo also said: "I've had such amazing reactions from people, everyone has been so supportive and I've got loads of people watching on the live video I am doing. Everyone is helping and supportive, I've had loads of support all day and even before with people donating and sharing.
"People have been beeping their horns in support as they go past, it's really fantastic."
When asked what his message to the NHS would be, Theo replied: "My message to the NHS is thank you, you're all heroes and without you who knows what would be going on in the world."
Theo and his family have set up a table outside of their home, and will be live streaming the clap on Instagram so that supporters can watch him.
He said he has been preparing for the clap by gathering together oven gloves and marigolds to use when his hands start to hurt.
However, several hours in he told LBC News that his hands "don't even hurt yet!"
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Theo has set up a Gofundme page, which has so far raised more than £3,700.
On the Gofundme page, Theo says: "I know lots of NHS frontline heroes who are working tirelessly to save lives during these horrendous times. I want to do something to say thank you and to support the amazing doctors, nurses, paramedics and all NHS staff who are putting themselves at risk every day for our community.
"My little sister, Nancy will be clapping with me when she has finished home school.
"This is my way of giving something back, even if you can only give £1 then it would still mean a lot to me that we are together giving something back to our wonderful NHS."
People have taken to his page to show support for his fundraising.
One donator wrote: "Well done young man. Great effort. Keep going!"
"Well done Theo! Heard you on the radio this morning and thought you were fantastic! Keep clapping- everyone is cheering you on for our fantastic carers and NHS!!" said another.
"Such a lovely idea Theo, amazing cause. I hope your hands don't hurt too much at the end - you'll have to have a break from homework for a few days afterwards!!! Best of luck x" joked a third.
Click HERE to donate to Theo