Nick Ferrari 7am - 10am
26 April 2020, 12:40
Ruth Jones adopts Gavin & Stacey character 'Nessa' to offer lockdown advice
Gavin & Stacey's Nessa has provided lockdown advice to fans amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Screenwriter and actress Ruth Jones donned the full outfit for her iconic character Nessa, including a black wig and black leather waistcoat, to offer advice to people during the Covid-19 crisis.
In a video posted on social media, Nessa told people to "back off" if they fail to keep two metres away from her during the lockdown.
She also warned that people who do not feel ill could still be infectious, saying, "you could be riddled" - a reference to one of the show's episodes.
The video gave fans a brief and humorous taste of what life would be like for Nessa during the lockdown.
People replied to the post on Twitter with a host of Gavin & Stacey quotes, memes and gifs, while fellow writer and talk show host James Corden shared it saying it was "an important public message."
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With her Wales tattoo boldly on show and wearing all the character's accessories, Nessa said: "Oh, what's occurring? Not a lot, other than a global pandemic but the question was rhetorical.
"Now listen, I'm not here to give advice, there's plenty of others that'll do that for you. It's your life, and I'm not about to tell you how to live it. I wouldn't do that to no one, I wouldn't even tell myself how to live my life but I will say this.
"If you sees me in the mornings doing my daily run, my half-marathon round Barry, don't even think about breaking that two-metre rule. 'Cos if you does, I will not hesitate to tell you quite clearly to BACK OFF!"
"Because at the end of the day when all's said and done, no word of a lie if truth be told just because you don't feel ill, don't mean you're not infectious.
"You could be riddled.
"Stay safe, stay out of my way and protect the NHS obviously, it goes without saying."
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