Henry Riley 10pm - 1am
24 April 2020, 11:06
The Royal Navy has launched an investigation after a submarine commander reportedly threw a party for his crew despite the coronavirus lockdown.
Footage has emerged of the crew of the HMS Trenchant apparently enjoying a barbecue after docking for repairs in its base of Devonport, in Plymouth.
The nuclear-powered attack submarine had been at sea for months on manoeuvres.
According to The Sun, the Trenchant's captain has been sent home on leave following the party, which took place despite him having been advised coronavirus lockdown regulations would make such a gathering inappropriate.
A source told the paper: “Some have sympathy as it was about raising morale after so long at sea.
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“But it was a direct order to the Commanding Officer that he wasn’t allowed a barbecue. He said under Queen’s regulations he was allowed to do what he liked with the ship’s company.
“He got referred to the captain of the base who referred him to the Rear Admiral of Submarines.”
Two lower-ranking seamen were also disciplined for refusing to comply with an order from a senior naval base officer who told them to end the party, the paper reported.
A Royal Navy spokesperson said: “An investigation is underway. It would be inappropriate to comment further.”