What Is A "Super Blood Wolf Moon" And How Can I Watch It?

20 January 2019, 19:03 | Updated: 28 October 2019, 15:53

The rare combination of lunar events will create a 'super blood wolf moon' on Monday morning, but what is it and how can you watch it?

Monday morning will see a combination of different lunar events combine to form a rare spectacle.

A total lunar eclipse will give the Earth's natural satellite a reddish colour, to create a 'blood moon', and by coincidence will be closer to Earth than normal in a 'supermoon'.

At the same time, the moon will be a full moon, and in January this is sometimes known as a 'wolf moon'.

But astronomers and skygazers are particularly interested in observing this phenomenon as it will be the last blood moon of its kind for two years, and is expected to last more than hour.

The moon during a total lunar eclipse appears reddish in comparison to normal.
The moon during a total lunar eclipse appears reddish in comparison to normal. Picture: Getty

Space expert and author Dr David Whitehouse said that the best time to observe the 'super blood wolf moon' in the UK is between 4:30-5:30 in the morning.

"Go out tonight, start at 2:30 in the morning but by about 3 o'clock you'll start to see the moon getting nibbled by the shadow.

"A mid-eclipse when you should see it at its reddest is about 5 o'clock, and it finishes about 8 o'clock.

"So if you want the best, go out between 4:30 and 5:30 and see if it's red.

"You need no instructions because it's big and bright and it's right in front of you!"

If the skies are clear, the full eclipse will be visible across Western Europe and across North and South America, and a partial eclipse for the rest of Europe and Africa.