Jim Diamond 1am - 4am
30 August 2016, 11:45 | Updated: 13 September 2016, 12:42
The frontrunner in the UKIP leadership election has exposed a potentially large hole in her campaign for the post.
Diane James is an MEP, and has made a name for herself in the campaign by refusing to attend hustings alongside other candidates.
Now, in speaking with Andrew Castle on LBC, James has refused to outline anything concrete when it comes to tax policy.
"Unlike my colleagues, I am not prepared to make up policy on the hoof."
Upon further pressing by Castle, James turned the argument back to Brexit, and still could not describe any particular tax policy.
"My view is … that all of that financial contribution to the EU, both direct and indirect, if that comes back into this country then we can start to address some of the issues."
But James wasn’t the only UKIP leadership candidate caught evading questions over the long weekend:
Liz Jones was speaking with Ian Payne, when he brought up the issue of the burkini ban and whether such a ban would be appropriate in the UK.
"It’s a very difficult question.
"It’s a bit of a problematic question,. Clearly there are very significant security issues with the niqab and the burqa."
Jones said the whole point of UKIP is that it is a grassroots party.
"This is an ideal policy to put to our members to ask them to vote."