Lord Bridges Calls Outrage At Boris Johnson Calling Cameron A "Girly Swot" Snowflakey

6 September 2019, 21:44

Speaking exclusively to Andrew Pierce on LBC, Lord Bridges defended Boris Johnson's branding of David Cameron as a "girly swot"

It was revealed on Friday that the Prime Minister branded David Cameron a "girly swot" following the leak of a document.

Partially-redacted cabinet papers were released by a court on Thursday showing Mr Johnson's reasoning to suspend parliament.

Lord Bridges said "I think we obviously have to be careful about language, and you don't want to be offensive to people..."

"But there is a danger in this day and age that we're all becoming a little bit sensitive and a bit snowflakey about these things"

He went on to add "those two things are... very Boris and quite knock about".

"Personally... I would at times have loved to have been called 'the girly swot' when I remember back to my not-so-great record of achievement in maths".

The peer went on to say that there is a danger that we can take this all too far, however some statements in public life are beyond the pale.