Darren Adam Slams Daily Express Over Brexit Nazi Comparison

4 November 2016, 07:32

Darren Adam takes apart The Daily Express after the newspaper compared the High Court Brexit verdict to the threat of Nazi invasion.

Yesterday, the High Court ruled that the decision to trigger Article 50 must be voted on by Parliament and cannot just be pushed through by Theresa May and her government.

On their front page, the Daily Express booms: "After judges' Brexit block now your country really needs you: We MUST get out of the EU".

They then go on to compare the constitutional crisis to Churchill battling the Nazis.

Speaking on his LBC show, Darren said: "I am certainly not feigning surprise at the scale of the anger being expressed by the Daily Express today. There's nothing disingenuous about my amazement at what the Daily Express is saying. They have written this with presumably a straight face.

"'Today this country faces a crisis as grave as anything since the dark days when Churchill vowed we would fight them on the beaches.' Let me read that again Daily Express. 'Today this country faces a crisis as grave as anything since the dark days when Churchill vowed we would fight them on the beaches.'

"So in the fevered imagination of the Daily Express, three High Court judges saying that the mother of all parliaments is in fact the mother of all parliaments and is absolutely supreme and should be, is as threatening an idea as the Third Reich.

"If if I've missed any steps between those two conclusions by all means 0345 60 60 973 is my number. What the hell are the Daily Express talking about? I mean we often ask that question when we see their front pages, but I ask in genuine amazement today."