Clive Bull 1am - 4am
25 August 2020, 13:36
Caller's shocking revelation on youngsters' abuse of old people
This caller shared instances where she's noticed young people forgetting social distancing and disregarding the health of vulnerable people.
Marion told Darren Adam that she sees a vast difference between how young people conduct themselves amid the pandemic is vastly different to how the elderly do.
She told Darren that she encountered a man that repeated the phrase "kill the old" as he passed her in the street.
The caller went on to describe a situation where she was taking out her rubbish, and another young man wouldn't move away from her garden and so she had to circle the street to get to her bins.
She argued that the government could have presented data on coronavirus in a different way, which would have led people to band together to protect the most vulnerable in society rather than thinking only of themselves.
Marion called on listeners to continue being aware of the dangers of coronavirus - not just for them, but for everyone in the community.
"Do you really want your parents or your grandparents to die," she asked.
Darren noted that he "was struck by the difference between the way young people were approaching this" in the early stages of the outbreak, suggesting to Marion that early on, young people took coronavirus more seriously than the elderly.
Marion pinpointed where the tide turned, arguing that "all these figures that were coming out were old people," which led young people to relax.