Ian Payne 4am - 7am
18 May 2020, 13:48
Wonderful 92 year old caller brightens LBC with positivity during lockdown
This 92 year old caller can brighten anyone's day with her warm spirit and stoic wisdom, despite being in lockdown. A joyous listen.
Caller Liz from Lancashire, who was "languishing in her boudoir", told LBC she was "bored stiff" of lockdown and missed going out.
Darren Adam was shocked that Liz had been born in 1928 as she did not sound in her nineties.
"I'm not a miserable old girl, I never have been...I try and look on the bright side of life," Liz said, reflecting that she doesn't enjoy being told her age group is "likely to pop her clogs...I'm likely to pop my clogs anyway."
Liz told Darren she missed wine tasting at the University of the Third Age, an organisation that aims to educate and stimulate retired people.
"You can come out of there tottering...it's interesting meeting people your own age or younger," she said, "as your old friends are dying off you make new ones...younger ones of 70.
"Some people have always been miserable, age doesn't come into the equation, if you're miserable and dull, you're always miserable and dull. You don't just change because you're 70," Liz said.
In lockdown she has been enjoying putting Frank Sinatra on loud and admiring the lovely views from her window - she also shared she had spent a night watching the crooner live which she treasured.
Darren remarked on her positivity and Liz said that while life hasn't been wonderful the past few years for health reasons, "what's the point in talking about it? Just get up, do your best, get dolled up and start all over again."
She urged everyone to put on some music and enjoy life.