Shelagh Fogarty 1pm - 4pm
1 July 2020, 19:34
"The UK will be back in the EU in ten years time," Anna Soubry predicts
Former Conservative Minister and prominent Remainer Anna Soubry explained to LBC why she believes the UK will be back in the EU in "ten years time."
The deadline for requesting a Brexit deadline extension expired on Tuesday.
Former Conservative Minister and prominent Remainer Anna Soubry said, "When our economy suffers in the most dreadful way everything will be blamed on Covid, when undoubtedly some of it will be on the fact we've left the European Union.
"It is the stuff of madness but we are where we are...I just think it's a terrible tragedy and I think that's how history will record it. Our country has made a terrible mistake."
Eddie Mair asked if Ms Soubry thought it was imperative for Remainers to push for a Brexit reversal.
"No, people are fed up to the back teeth with Brexit," Ms Soubry said.
Eddie responded that if Ms Soubry believes remaining in the EU is best, should it not be incumbent upon her to campaign, despite peoples' boredom?
"I just said, but I'm also a realist and the reality is we've left the European Union. I don't think there's an appetite at large for some movement that would win widespread support for us to rejoin because we haven't even fully left yet.
"I think it will be my children's generation that will do it, I think we'll be back in the EU in ten years time. Of course we'll never get the unique and very special and very good deal that we once had.
"So no doubt the EU will say well if you want to rejoin you have to join the Euro, you've got to join Schengen. We were in a unique position but there's no point in looking backwards, we've got to look to the future," Ms Soubry said, telling Eddie her fear is for the future of the younger generations who have to "pick up the tab."