Ben Kentish 10pm - 1am
26 April 2019, 12:33
A caller criticised two police officers for eating McDonald's and playing Pokemon whilst on the job.
Listener Adam phoned LBC to give his opinion on the London Metropolitan Police after an experience with two particular police officers.
Speaking to Ian Payne, he said: "I have seen many police officers on many occasions, rather than doing the work that they are paid to do, sit in their little panda cars getting extremely chubby with their McDonald's bags playing Pokemon.
"I kid you not, Ian, 7am in the morning I went to Pret A Manger to get my coffee.
"Nine o'clock in the morning, I went out to meet a client and the same two chubby policeman are sitting in their patrol car still playing Pokemon.
"The only thing they are good at detecting is their flipping McDonald's."
Another listener called Mike, who works for the ambulance service, was also on the line.
He said: "When you see those two police officers, regardless of whatever weight that you decide that they carry, it makes no difference to their job.
"They could be at the end of a 12 hour shift, they haven't had a break for 12 hours, they've now got twenty minutes before the end of their shift and they're probably gonna go back to the police station after and write up half of what they've been doing."
Adam replied: "I think Mike has got more chance of seeing Police officers like this in the back of his ambulance suffering from diabetes."
Adam continued to slam the police by focusing on their weight.
He said: "Look at some of these policemen that were patrolling this protest with these eco-climate clowns."
"A lot of them in the evening standard front page could barely get on their hi-vis jacket.
"The only thing they are good at chasing is McDonald's, nevermind criminals."
But Mike repeated that their weight makes no difference to their job and said it isn't the police that are to blame for record levels of knife crime.
He said: "You can't blame the police, they're given their rules and regulations by the government.
"If we can put more police on the street and help them, great.
"If we can't then we seriously need to look at this in the future."