Shelagh Fogarty 1pm - 4pm
31 August 2016, 12:22 | Updated: 7 September 2016, 12:27
This is James O'Brien's heartfelt reaction to the brutal killing of a Polish man in Harlow, which has seen six teenage boys arrested.
In a 15-minute opener that sparked a huge reaction online, James discussed the shocking and vicious killing of Arkadiusz Jóźwik in Essex. Reports today say the assault began when the man was heard speaking Polish outside a takeaway.
Five teenage boys have been arrested and bailed in connection with the death.
"It is rhetorical, isn't it, to say: who are the hate preachers that these people respond to?
"Farage said something, didn't he, about there being violence on the streets and then pretended he hadn't said what he meant...that sounded to me like an invitation.
"And remember this lot won. This lot won the referendum.
"You would've hoped, wouldn't you, that the kind of hate and vitriol they employed in the campaign would have now disappeared. But it isn't, it hasn't, it hasn't gone anywhere."
James continued: "We know who's responsible for it. We know what they're doing.
"Everybody with a brain and a functioning heart and conscience can see exactly what's being done to our country.
"We're being turned on each other in a scale that's not been since the 1950s.
"But do they know what they're doing?
"Does a politician like Farage talking about people speaking foreign on a train know that this leads inexorably to young people thinking they have the right to object to people speaking foreign in public?"
Listen to the full opener from James below: