Ali Miraj 7pm - 10pm
22 May 2019, 14:00
An Italian doctor, who moved form Milan to Grimsby, called James O'Brien to discuss Brexit - and by the end of the call, listeners were calling for him to be Prime Minister!
Dino gave a passionate defence of the European Union, saying close co-operation across Europe has helped keep the peace for 70 years.
He said he emigrated from Italy's fashion capital to the Lincolnshire fishing town simply because "that's where the jobs were" and he said he was happy to move there.
Speaking to James O'Brien, he said: "The European Union and the NHS were created out of the same oceans. People out the trenches and after the war looked at each other and said 'Yes, we were neighbours, we were combatants, but I don't want to see your kids sick and dying. I don't want to see the kids of a German person dying in the trenches with my kids. I want this to be fixed.'
"That was the investment. That's not in GDP, that's not in economic terms, it's not in any trade deal or hodge-podged idea of treaties. It's in peace. It's in being together in it and looking after each other.
"As Harry Leslie Smith put it very well, it's the realisation that we are our brothers' keepers.
"The EU and the NHS are the two most monumental institutions to come out of such tragic events."
James was left saying: "I hadn't thought of it like that before and it's made me even sadder about what we're being made to say goodbye to."
Listeners were touched by Dino's call.
DINO FOR PM???? @LBC @mrjamesob such an intelligent & passionate caller 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
— ECKOES (@iamECKOES) May 22, 2019
@mrjamesob @LBC a lot of love for Dino! Was expecting a tenuous link between his Italian background and Grimsby, but it was so much more humbling with his simple answer of 'that's where the jobs were. ' We should be proud of people like him, not trying to discourage or disregard.
— Sam Davis (@SpammayDee) May 22, 2019
Dino is spot on @mrjamesob @LBC It is not rocket science, but unfortunately testament to the job undertaken by Farage et al. in brainwashing a nation.
— Dibs (@DibsXIII) May 22, 2019