Ali Miraj 12pm - 3pm
1 June 2019, 15:51 | Updated: 1 June 2019, 18:21
Maajid Nawaz had a strong response to a 'hypocritical' anti-Trump caller who at first wouldn't let him get a word in edgeways.
Maajid Nawaz was left unable to get a word in as Claire unloaded her opinion on Donald Trump's state visit, but when she said that everybody should take a stance against the President, the LBC presenter accused her of hypocrisy.
"This man is a misogynist, he's a racist, he's an anti-Semite, the man is appalling on every level," the caller said.
But as Maajid tried to back her argument by adding to her comments, Claire continued.
And after a minute of persistence, the LBC presenter was able to get a word in.
"Thank you for letting me be a guest on your show," he said.
"I am not disputing any of the behaviour you referred to, in fact I was going to add to it," Maajid said.
"But my point is that Jeremy Corbyn and Meghan Markle are not private citizens, and nor is Trump.
"I am sure that President Xi of China has done many things that far outweigh the impolite or bigoted things Trump has said or done.
"And yet mr Corbyn met with President Xi at a state banquet, and we can't have it both ways.
"Either we meet with every arriving head of state or we meet with none, but if we start picking a choosing then that ruins our diplomatic relations with various countries."
But when Claire said that everybody should take a stance against President Trump, Maajid gave her an explanation as to why he believes she was hypocritical.
Watch the exchange in the video above.