Rachel Johnson 7pm - 10pm
25 January 2020, 12:48
A WHO spokesperson gave advice on how to avoid Coronavirus and what preventative measures to take.
Christian Lindmeier, spokesperson for the World Health Organisation in Geneva, said: "People can protect themselves".
He continued: "Just the simple protection measures that everyone does, like you do with the common cold or for the flu.
"If somebody has a sneeze or somebody has an infection and has a high fever, you don't get too close.
"You try to avoid getting sneezed at or coughed at.
"If yourself you have to cough or sneeze, sneeze into your elbow or sneeze into a tissue and discard the tissue.
Don't sneeze into your hand or cough into your hand and then shake somebody's hand."
Lindmeier added: "Normal protection measures and they go a long way!"
Matt Frei asked if face masks are necessary.
He replied: "In areas of high infection rates or areas in China with a crowd... yes, it's quite useful to wear a mask."
However, he added: "Goggles, this is something the normal public would not have to worry about."
He added: "Anybody in in Europe does not have to worry about the task mask unless you are in close contact with somebody who is infected."