Caller who survived the Blitz: "I think people are wimps nowadays"

10 November 2019, 09:16

The caller, whose father fought in both World Wars, called millennials "wimps".

Her father was a machine gunner in WWI who had one of his legs amputated.

In WWII, he was too old to be conscripted so he volunteered in the RAF.

He was called up again in Suez.

Daphne said she remembered WWII and said: "I was bombed to bits, night after night after night, because we live near an aerodrome in Hendon."

She continued: "Well, I used to lie in bed with my mum because my dad was in the Air Force. I used to say 'are we going to get killed tonight?'"

She said to get to school she had to clear her doorstep of debris.

Caller who survived the Blitz: "I think people are wimps nowadays"
Caller who survived the Blitz: "I think people are wimps nowadays". Picture: PA

Matt Stadlen asked: "What does that make you think then today when everyone fusses about life, don't we? We all worry about this and worry about that and talk about how dramatic the political times are and we get cross or what what does it make you feel?"

Daphne replied: "I think people are wimps these days. I really do. I don't know how some people who come on the radio can be so eager to let themselves sound so stupid."

She spoke about experiencing adversity and just getting on with it.

Matt asked for advice she would give to millennials and people his age.

She said: "For God's sake, grow up!"