Jim Diamond 1am - 4am
31 October 2020, 19:46 | Updated: 31 October 2020, 20:02
James Gooderson and Natasha Devon instant reaction to PM announcement
Natasha Devon dissected Boris Johnson's announcement from Downing Street, where plans for a second lockdown for England were outlined.
Natasha Devon was joined by LBC's James Gooderson to break down the announcement coming from Downing Street, where measures effectively putting England into a second national lockdown for four weeks.
James noted that the extension of the furlough scheme and the pledge to undergo a new mass testing scheme are two main features of the Prime Minister's announcement that weren't already known.
The measures in full lasting from Thursday until December 2: Stay at home unless for education, for work if you cannot work from home, for exercise, for medical reasons, to shop for food and essentials, to care for others.
Non-essential shops, leisure and entertainment venues will all be closed. Click and collect can continue and essential shops such as supermarkets will remain open. Bars, pubs and restaurants must stay closed except for delivery or take-away services. Hairdressers and beauty salons will close.
Schools, colleges and universities will all remain open. Childminders and nurseries will stay open and childcare bubbles, where for example a grandparent provides childcare while a parent works, will be able to continue. After-school clubs and sports clubs will be suspended.
People are advised not to travel unless for essential reasons. People can travel for work. Anyone on holiday will be allowed to return to the UK.
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Read More: England to enter second national lockdown lasting until December, Boris Johnson confirms
Boris Johnson has ordered England into a second national lockdown for a month starting next week, forcing shops, pubs and restaurants to close and banning almost all foreign travel.
The Prime Minister warned coronavirus risked overwhelming the NHS without further action, after his scientific advisers warned the disease was surging in all age groups across the country.
From 00.01 on Thursday until 2 December, all pubs and restaurants must close but takeaway and deliveries can continue.
All non-essential retail will shut, but supermarkets will not have to remove non-essential items from sale like in the Welsh “firebreak”.
They are the toughest measures seen since the spring lockdown.
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