Henry Riley 10pm - 1am
17 December 2018, 07:43
A leading Remain MP calling for a second Brexit referendum felt the wrath of Nick Ferrari who told him: “I’d fire the damn lot of you!”
Chuka Umunna came under fire as Theresa May prepared to reject growing calls from MPs for another vote on leaving the EU.
She will tell the Commons it would do irreparable damage and be deeply divisive.
Labour’s Mr Umunna, who is campaigning for a so-called People’s Vote, said it was no longer clear “what the will of the people is”.
“We don’t know what the instruction of the people was as to how we leave the European Union,” the Streatham MP said.
But, Nick wasn’t having any of it as he unleashed an almighty tirade against MPs' failure to sort Brexit.
He thundered: “Just because the House of Commons has been utterly inept why should we do it all again and I ask again, why are we paying you?
“If I was running a company and you failed so woefully - I’d fire the damn lot of you because you’re hopeless.
“Not you personally, but you were given a task, you failed to execute it, you’d all be gone and I’d get in a fresh batch.
“All of you are going to take your £77,000, 650 of you taking effectively £80k minimum, some of you taking considerably more and you can’t sort the bloody thing out.
“It’s hopeless!”
Watch above.