Caller's Powerful Speech Begging Extinction Rebellion Protestors To Stop

7 October 2019, 20:51

A caller, who depends on the London roads for his job, begs of the Extinction Rebellion: "Please find another way. How can we survive without any income for two weeks?"

The caller ___ said that although he agrees with the cause, he is "extremely angry" by the road blockage.

"We deliver food to central London and because of these guys, we cannot do our job and we have to shut down. It costs us our livelihood - how can I put food on the table for my children? For my family? We cannot survive."

He said that the Extinction Rebellion protestors are "making people angry."

"People will turn against you, this is not the right way. I'm extremely angry, I'm extremely stressed. How can we survive without any income for two weeks? I want the government, the police, to clear up the streets.

He said there are thousands and thousands of people like him that "depend on those roads" to do their job; as a food delivery service, he continued, he has 30 minutes to get the produce to people.

He continued: "Please find another way. This is not the right way. You are making people angry."

Nigel said: "I sympathise hugely with you on this. I am pretty certain that a massive majority who are listening in righ tnow will sympathise with you and many, many people in your position."

"I back your call, Steve, to the police and the government: clear the streets. Let's get on with our lives."

Nigel called Steve's words "very powerful indeed."