Henry Riley 10pm - 1am
25 May 2020, 20:06
Nigel Farage instant reaction to Dominic Cummings' statement
Boris Johnson's chief aide explained his lockdown movements in an attempt to quell controversy surrounding him.
Nigel Farage was on air straight after Dominic Cummings gave the UK a statement explaining his movements between London and Durham while the nation was under lockdown. Nigel dissected Mr Cummings' explanations and came to be on the fence over whether or not the PM's aide is off the hook.
"He is saying that his wife wasn't feeling very well, he wasn't going to be feeling well" Nigel began, mapping out when Mr Cummings began his journey to Durham with his wife and child to be close to his parents who could care for his son should the pair have to isolate.
Nigel read out the official government advice and when compared against Dominic Cummings' excuses he asked "is that absolutely literally a strict breach of the rules? It's questionable." Nigel went on to further pick apart Mr Cummings' story to try come to a decision.
He referenced the political aide's worries about his eyesight and his account of driving to Barnard Castle to test if he could drive back to London, despite having his wife and son in the car with him. "If you're worried about your eyesight the last thing you do is put your wife and child in the car" Nigel pointed out.
Moving onto the visit to Barnard Castle, Nigel recounted Mr Cummings' story of sitting down as a family for 15 minutes after taking a stop in their car journey. Nigel quashed the story and claimed that it "isn't credible or believable at all."
He argued that "if you're the one making the rules and insist the rest of the country plays by them it makes it very difficult" to be caught ignoring your own rules, which Nigel saw as exactly what Mr Cummings was caught doing.
Concluding his argument, Nigel was on the fence. "It is clear that Boris Johnson want to stick with him" he said and added that "I don't think necessarily what he's done is a capital offence" although he did accept that there are holes in the story of Mr Cummings.
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