Nick Ferrari 7am - 10am
19 June 2022, 18:57 | Updated: 21 June 2022, 07:27
Nadine Dorries phone-in 20/06
During an exclusive phone-in Rachel Johnson and LBC listeners had the chance to question Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries. Watch the whole hour here.
In an exclusive phone-in Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries answered questions from Rachel Johnson, before answering calls from listeners.
Mrs Dorries told Rachel Johnson that she believes Boris Johnson is "the man to unite the Tories" – and stressed she in no way "fancies" the Prime Minister.
She dismissed scandal surrounding Boris Johnson, coming out to bat for the PM, saying that he has always been the man to “unite the Conservative party”.
Shrugging off the ‘adoring memes’ of her gazing at the prime minister, saying: “I don’t fancy [him]. Not a bit.”
Talking about her support of Boris, Nadine said: “It was absolutely obvious Boris would get the Conservatives the kind of majority they deserved.
“I’ve always seen the potential in him. He… had the radical agenda to get things done that needed to be done.”
The Culture Secretary also said that her department will "encourage" sporting bodies to exclude trans women from women's sport.
The comments followed the decision to introduce this policy from FINA, the world governing body for swimming.
Mrs Dorries said: "I think it's absolutely the right decision they've reached and I am going to encourage other sports."I've been of the opinion FINA came to today for a long time, and have discussed this with my own department and established a policy.
"We're about to have a roundtable with all of the sports governing bodies.
"It is just unacceptable that trans women compete in women's sport."
Watch the whole fascinating hour above.