Henry Riley 10pm - 1am
27 May 2021, 16:12
'Blaming politicians won't help': Caller lost loved one opens up
This caller, whose husband died from Covid, tells LBC she finds it 'difficult to point the finger' at the Government for its pandemic response even though it has made 'many mistakes'.
Amid a national conversation into the government response to the coronavirus pandemic, LBC's Shelagh Fogarty asked for the views of her listeners.
Sonia called in and told LBC she had lost her husband in the early days of the Covid pandemic.
She told Shelagh that while there were "so many mistakes made," but she was not sure if the clock was turned back that those mistakes would have been learning points.
The conversations comes as the government said 127,739 people have now died in the UK within 28 days of testing positive for Covid-19.
Shelagh pointed out to the caller that the "primary job" of the government is to "protect the lives of the people it serves."
And, amazingly, even though Sonia lost her husband to coronavirus and branded it "tragic," she told LBC she still found it hard to appoint blame.
She went on to tell LBC that blaming politicians really would not help as her husband would still be gone.
"Nothing will give me closure, my husband is gone."