Ali Miraj 12pm - 3pm
29 April 2020, 11:50
"I'm too scared to go to hospital for key medical treatment"
As experts warn that the coronavirus crisis could lead to additional 18,000 cancer deaths, this caller told us he'd rather take his chances than go to hospital at the moment.
Ian called Shelagh Fogarty, saying he had had preliminary tests after seeing blood in his urine, but has refused to go back for further tests.
He said: "Just before coronavirus made the impact that it did, I was going through tests. I went to a urology department after having blood in my urine.
"I had an inspection camera into my bladder, but the doctor was inconclusive. He said because I was having anti-biotics, they didn't know what the shadows might be. They might be infection, irritation or they could be something else.
"I haven't been back since. That was three weeks ago.
"I have to say, I'm not confident of going to any hospital. Not because the staff are incompetent but because I think the government's response hasn't been very positive. I feel for people working in hospitals - they don't have enough protective equipment.
"I don't want to walk into hospital now, get infected and bring it home to my wife and daughter. I don't want to be taking that risk.
"And I can imagine quite a few people are like that."
Hear his call at the top of the page.
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