Jim Diamond 1am - 4am
26 May 2020, 10:29 | Updated: 26 May 2020, 10:34
Police officer tells LBC public are violating lockdown due to Dominic Cummings
A London police officer has told LBC he doesn't know what to say to people breaking lockdown rules when they bring up Dominic Cummings.
Scott, a London police officer who has been enforcing the coronavirus lockdown rules, told LBC's Tom Swarbrick that he's "given people tickets for sitting on benches" in parks.
The serving officer said he didn't see "how I can go to bed tonight, knowing that I've made people pay fines for breaching lockdown when it seems if you're powerful and wealthy enough you can just do whatever you want."
Tom agreed with the officer, suggesting it "made a mockery" of the situation.
Scott told LBC while he was on patrol and been forced to speak to people not obeying social distancing rules, the response has got was "lockdown's over now."
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Tom said he didn't think that was a "cummings effect," because not everyone would be following the news in detail.
When asked why he thought that was the case, the officer said: "I think a lot of people are bored."
He said humans are "social creatures" and they often need to "get out and do things."
The officer revealed when he spoke to the public asking them why they were violating the regulations, a number of them had said: "well the Government can do what they want."
"As a police officer, I don't know what to respond back to them."
When the LBC presenter asked if he "absolutely have come across people who have used what has happened over the last weekend as an excuse not to follow the lockdown rules?"
The officer was quick to respond that there were "three separate groups that have said to me today, that Dominic Cummings can do what he wants," then "we should be able to too."
Watch the whole clip in the video at the top of the page.