Tonight with Andrew Marr 6pm - 7pm
Nick Ferrari issues warning to PM on 'the growing sense of industrial unrest'
23 June 2022, 17:34
Nick Ferrari issues stark warning to PM on 'the growing sense of industrial unrest'
Nick Ferrari has issued a warning to Boris Johnson on "the growing sense of industrial unrest".
Watch this week's episode of The Agenda in full here.
The LBC presenter's words have come as the country faces rail strikes.
Nick said: "This week it's the rail union. But Royal Mail workers are to be balloted over a 2% pay raise. Doctors could vote on industrial action as early as next month. And the teachers are talking of a vote as soon as school returns after the summer.
"The strikes helped make Margaret Thatcher and cast her 'Iron Lady' image. Does Boris Johnson possess the same iron will?
"Can the growing sense of industrial unrest be quelled - or, after years of austerity and faced with growing inflation, are the workers ready to stay united and hold the nation to ransom.
"We're likely to find out pretty soon. But - get it wrong Boris, and it's lights out."
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