Iain Dale 7pm - 10pm
13 January 2023, 13:56
Ask The Bailiff
This is Dean Dunham's exchange with Civil Enforcement Association CEO Russell Hamblin-Boone, which forms part of Dean's ‘Ask’ series.
The 'Ask' series sees Dean ask key individuals and organisations - such as regulators, consumer organisations, ombudsmen, alternative dispute resolution providers, energy providers, online marketplaces and other retailers - the burning questions LBC listeners are asking.
Before putting questions to the Civil Enforcement Association chief, Dean described him as "a man who knows all there is to know about bailiffs".
Speaking to Mr Hamblin-Boone, Dean said: "Russell, this is a time of year when people tend to be short of money, especially following Christmas.
"And it's therefore typically the busiest as a time of year as I understand it for bailiffs.
"So, with this in mind, we've asked LBC listeners what they want and what they need to know when it comes to bailiffs.
"We've collated Russell the most popular questions that LBC listeners have sent in to us.
"Now, unsurprisingly the most common question when it comes to bailiffs is - 'What happens if a bailiff knocks at my door, can I refuse to answer?'"
Mr Hamblin-Boone then provided Dean with his answer.
Listen to the full exchange above.