Why Is Momentum Trying To Oust Labour's Deputy Tom Watson?

21 September 2019, 08:02

Momentum's Jon Lansman has tabled a motion to remove Tom Watson's role. Political correspondent Lewis Goodall told LBC there are three possible reasons behind the ousting.

LBC presenter Matthew Stadlen asked Lewis Goodall what is behind the "surprising" events.

He explained to Matthew why some people might be trying to oust Watson. He said: "The Labour left and the Labour Party is concerned about the succession of the leadership of the Labour Party."

Some are concerned about the future of Jeremy Corbyn's leadership because of his age and the party's potential fairing in a General Election.

Why Is Momentum Trying To Oust Labour's Deputy Tom Watson?
Why Is Momentum Trying To Oust Labour's Deputy Tom Watson? Picture: PA

Lewis Goodall explained another possible reason behind the potential ousting: "This is just Jon Lansman, who is the head of Momentum, and Len McCluskey, the head of the Unite trade union, both of whom will have strong antipathy and dislike of Tom Watson, for various reasons, moving against him.

They're freelancing, they're going off on their own. They're doing this without the consent of the Labour leadership."

Thirdly, he told Matthew, it could be to "distract from the party's wider Brexit problems." Lewis said this is the least likely option.

The fallout of this could be catastrophic for the party. There's a possibility of the Labour Party splitting, according to Lewis.

A Labour MP told him this last night.

The event could, he added, "reignite the civil war that had been rather obscured from view compared to where it had been in the past."