James O'Brien 10am - 1pm
13 January 2022, 11:06 | Updated: 8 January 2025, 11:39
Specific Rules
1. The James O'Brien Mystery Hour Board Game promotion (‘Promotion’) is organised by Global (as defined in the General Terms and Conditions). The Promotion will run on Thursdays between 13 January 2022 to 30 December 2025 on LBC Global is the Promoter. The ‘Prize Provider’ mentioned in these specific rules is Big Sky.
2. IMPORTANT: The Promotion is subject to these Specific Rules and the General Terms and Conditions which are available here (together, the ‘Promotion Terms and Conditions’). Entry into the Promotion constitutes acceptance of these Specific Rules and the General Terms and Conditions.
Details of the Promotion:
3. To enter the Promotion, you must call the studio on 0345 6060 973 (the ‘Phone Line’) during James O’Brien’s Mystery Hour Show on Thursdays from 13 January 2022 to Thursday 19 December 2024 between 1200-1300.
4. Callers who are brought to air to contribute to the Mystery Hour segment will be considered as entrants to the Promotion.
5. All eligible entrants will be judged by James O’Brien.
6. The criteria on which an entrants’ contribution will be judged will be on the following:
a. How thought-provoking the contribution is
b. How unique the contribution is
c. How engaging the contribution is
7. The winning entrant will be announced on air at the end of the Mystery Hour.
8. The winning entrant will be contacted by one of our representatives via telephone on the telephone number on which they entered. If such a winner does not respond within 24 hours from being contacted, they will forfeit their right to the prize and we shall be entitled to select another winner. That subsequent winner must respond within 24 hours of the time of which they are notified, or they will also forfeit the prize.
9. If you are the winning entrant, you may be asked to have a call with the presenter. That call will either be broadcast live or pre-recorded for future broadcast. You must answer your telephone when we contact you. Someone else cannot answer the phone, participate or accept a prize on your behalf. If: (i) you fail to answer the phone; (ii) someone else answers the phone; (iii) the call goes to voicemail; (iv) the call becomes disconnected; (v) you are not (or do not seem to us to be) in a position to safely and/or lawfully take or remain on the call (for example, if you are or seem to be driving); or (vi) you are not audible or intelligible or we are not able to conduct a conversation with you in a manner that is suitable for broadcast for any reason beyond our control (including, but not limited to: low/no signal on your device, a call is dropped by any network, you are travelling, there is too much background noise or feedback, etc.); before or during the Promotion, you may be disqualified and we reserve the right to select another entrant to participate in the Promotion or withdraw the prize and select another winner, as applicable.
10. We may publish and publicise your name, your nearest geographical location (for example, your nearest city, town or county) and your entry, and we may refer to your association with the Promotion and/or the prize, in any and all media, worldwide, in perpetuity, for publicity and PR purposes solely in connection with the Promotion.
11. We reserve the right to take the Promotion off-air at any time when programming output requires it.
12. The Promotion is only open to residents of the UK aged 18 and over and who are based in the UK at the time of entry.
13. Entry is restricted to one entry per person; duplicate entries will be excluded from the Promotion.
14. One winning entrant will receive The James O'Brien Mystery Hour Board Game (the “Prize”).
15. The Prize will be sent out to you within 28 days of receiving your postal address. You must provide all necessary details within 14 days after the original request to do so otherwise the prize will be forfeited at our discretion.
16. You acknowledge and agree that, without limitation to the provisions of Clause 12 of the General Terms & Conditions, our ability to fulfil a prize and/or perform any of our obligations under the Promotion Terms and Conditions could be affected by an actual or threatened epidemic, pandemic, disease or quarantine and/or any corresponding governmental action, guidance and/or ruling (including but not limited to any Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office guidance) (collectively ‘Covid Measures’).
17. If due to any Covid Measures, we are unable to fulfil a prize or perform any of our other obligations under the Promotion Terms and Conditions, then we shall not be in breach of the Promotion Terms and Conditions. In accordance with Clause 19 below, in these circumstances, we reserve the right to substitute the prize with another prize of equal or greater value at our absolute discretion.
18. Any other costs and expenses which are not specifically included in the prize description are excluded.
19. The prize is non-transferable and non-refundable. No cash alternative is available except at our sole discretion.
20. We reserve the right to substitute the prize with another prize of equal or greater value at our absolute discretion.
21. We are registered with the Phone-paid Services Authority (“PSA”): registration number ORG832-96388-41101. For all enquiries in connection with the Promotion please contact our customer support team at https://global.com/contact/.
Data Protection:
22. Your personal data that you provide to us will be collected and processed by us, our licensees (including Communicorp UK Limited) as well as the Prize Provider, and if
applicable, our service providers, network operators and suppliers in order to administer and fulfil the Promotion. Your personal data may also be disclosed to the Phone-paid Services Authority, Ofcom and/or the Advertising Standards Authority at their reasonable request for regulatory purposes, for example, in order to prevent, investigate and detect crime, fraud or anti-social behaviour and comply with law enforcement agencies and applicable advertising codes.
23. By entering a Promotion, you acknowledge that any personal data provided by you in connection with the Promotion will be processed as set out above and in accordance with our Privacy Policy which sets out full details of how we process personal data and how you can exercise your rights as a data subject and our Prize Provider’s Privacy Policy. Please ensure you have read and understood our Privacy Policy and our Prize Provider’s Privacy Policy before entering any Promotion.
24. You may be asked if you want to opt-in to marketing from us when you enter a Promotion. If you choose to opt-in, we will use your personal data for marketing purposes (see Global's Privacy Policy for more details). You can withdraw your consent to marketing at any time by unsubscribing.
25. We and the Prize Provider may transfer and process personal data outside of the EEA and UK for the purposes of administering the Promotion. Where any transfers are made outside of the EEA or UK we will ensure appropriate safeguards to protect your personal data are in place.
26. We will hold your personal data for a period of up to 3 years in order to comply with our regulatory obligations.
27. You may request the removal of your personal details from our database by contacting privacy@global.com. If you request that your personal details be removed prior to the conclusion of a Promotion, you will forfeit your right to enter the Promotion and/or claim any prize and we reserve the right to select another entrant to participate in the Promotion or withdraw the prize and select another winner, as applicable.