
Iain Dale Argument

"Why Am I Even Here?" Migrant Clashes With Iain Over Post-Brexit Racism

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Nigel Farage 20th February 2017

Nigel Farage: 'Malmo Is Now The Rape Capital Of Europe'

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James: The Truth Behind Trump's Sweden Terror Claim

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Nick Ferrari: UK Would Fall Apart Without Hard-Working Migrants

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Don't Blame Brexit Voters For Hate Crimes, Urges Iain Dale

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James: The Media's To Blame For Record Levels Of Hate Crime

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Nigel Farage Talks

Nigel Farage: A Total Ban On Muslim Citizens Is A Step Too Far

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Farage Says Deport 10,000 Migrant Criminals, Foreign Convict Disagrees

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Katie Hopkins Speaks About Child Refugee She Met

Katie Speaking About A Child Refugee She Met Might Change Your Mind About Her

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English Caller With Polish Wife Lambasts "Lazy English"

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