
Rishi Sunak Welcomes Rwandan President Paul Kagame To Downing Street

Sunak wants to deport migrants to Armenia, Costa Rica and Botswana in a bid to replicate Rwanda scheme

3 months ago

Sunak is facing a Cabinet revolt over his threat to quit the ECHR

Sunak faces Cabinet revolt after threatening to quit ECHR if Rwanda flights are blocked

3 months ago

Ms Braverman has said the Rwanda Plan as it stands will not act as a deterrent.

Suella Braverman says Rwanda plan as it stands may send one 'token flight' but will not suffice as 'deterrent'

3 months ago

Tory MPs have backed a proposal to publish the crime rates of migrant nationalities.

Tory MPs call for migrant nationality crime rates to be put into ‘league table’ in bid to toughen up visa restrictions

3 months ago

The number of migrants who have arrived in the UK so far in 2024 across the Channel has reached a record high

Record number of migrants cross English Channel in first three months of 2024

4 months ago

Downing Street declares 'migrant emergency' on the busiest day for migrant crossings on the English Channel this year

Downing Street declares 'migrant emergency' after record day of crossings - but no fresh Rwanda vote before Easter

4 months ago

The Rwanda bill suffered multiple defeats in the House of Lords.

First flights to Rwanda ‘delayed until June’ after House of Lords inflicts series of new defeats on bill

4 months ago

The Government faces a fresh battle after the Rwanda bill suffered multiple defeats in the House of Lords.

Rwanda Bill delayed until after Easter as House of Lords inflicts multiple fresh defeats on Government

4 months ago

Faith leaders have backed proposals for a major shake-up

Archbishop of Canterbury backs shake-up to 'broken' asylum system ahead of showdown over Rwanda Bill

4 months ago

The government saw off 10 amendments from peers to the Safety of Rwanda Bill

MPs reject Rwanda Bill amendments as Sunak faces fresh battle with Lords over migrant plan

4 months ago