Ian Payne 4am - 7am
12 March 2020, 10:27 | Updated: 7 June 2023, 08:56
What are the COVID-19 vaccine updates? And how long does it take to make a vaccine? Here’s everything you need to know about the coronavirus treatment.
Coronavirus has spread to more than 60 countries with the daily confirmed cases continuing to rise - so how close are we to a vaccine?
With scientists and researchers looking to produce a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible, it’s been revealed they’re in the very early stages of testing.
Coronavirus: How many cases in the UK and where are they?
So how long does it take to make a vaccine? And when will there be a vaccine for coronavirus? Here’s the details:
It’s reported that researchers have developed a vaccine which they are starting to test on animals. If successful, they will then trial it on humans later in the year.
Sadly, even if a successful vaccine is made quickle, it can take a long time for it to be rolled out and given to the public.
Following the success of human trials, the vaccine would then need to be mass produced, all while the virus is continuing to spread and potentially change. It could be mid 2021 before we see a successful vaccine.
Vaccines are created by using a weakened version of a virus and injecting them into the body so they can learn how to fight it without catching a full virus.
This means if the body is ever exposed to it for real, it already knows how to fight it.