Stop the War Coalition co- founder calls for the UK to stand up to "belligerent" US

4 January 2020, 10:36 | Updated: 4 January 2020, 10:39

The anti-war activist thinks the assisination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani is illegal and belligerent.

Lindsey German, founding member and convenor of the British anti-war organisation Stop the War Coalition, said: "This is a deliberate, illegal, reckless assassination of a very high military figure in Iran and it will have consequences.

Andrew Castle asked about Jeremy Corbyn's comments urging the UK to stand up to the US.

Stop the War Coalition co- founder calls for the UK to stand up against "belligerent" US
Stop the War Coalition co- founder calls for the UK to stand up against "belligerent" US. Picture: PA

She said: "I mean, this is a belligerent you know, you only have to see what the impact would be if there had been an assassination of an American general by Iran or Iraq or any other body in the United States.

"There would, already, be calls for war from from the United States and, I think, in this situation we have to we have to see it as something the British government should definitely say we are not supporting.

"I noticed, even Dominic Raab, who is fairly keen to support the American was very, very cautious about this yesterday. And I think, which is because there's no strategy behind this, there's no plan."