Tonight with Andrew Marr 03/06 | Watch again

3 June 2024, 19:37

Watch Again: Tonight with Andrew Marr 3.6.2024

Madeleine Wilson

By Madeleine Wilson

You can watch Monday's Tonight with Andrew Marr in full here.

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Andrew Marr was joined by:

  • Natasha Clark - LBC's Political Editor.
  • Grant Shapps - Secretary of State for Defence.
  • Patrick English - Director of Political Analytics at YouGov.
  • Douglas Carswell - Former UKIP MP for Clacton-On-Sea, Nigel Farage's old seat, now working in Mississippi USA
  • Nick Thomas-Symonds - Shadow Minister without Portfolio
  • Subra-manian Swamy - Former Minister of Law and Justice of India.
  • Aggie Chambre - Host of Politico's Westminster Insider Podcast.

Watch Tonight with Andrew Marr exclusively on Global Player every Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 7pm