Tonight with Andrew Marr 16/05 | Watch again

16 May 2024, 19:31

Tonight with Andrew Marr 16/05 | Watch again

Yaman Mohammed

By Yaman Mohammed

You can watch Wednesday's Tonight with Andrew Marr in full here.

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Andrew Marr was joined by:

  • Natasha Clark - LBC's Political Editor
  • Richard Holden - Chairman of the Conservative Party
  • Sir David Omand - Former Head of Britain's GCHQ Intelligence Agency and Visiting Professor at the Department of War Studies at King's College London
  • Paola Caridi - Author of Hamas: From Resistance to Regime
  • Tom McTague - Political Editor, UnHerd
  • Zoe Grunewald - Westminster editor of the Lead, Political Journalist and Broadcaster

Watch Tonight with Andrew Marr exclusively on Global Player every Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 7pm