Tonight with Andrew Marr 18/04 | Watch Again

18 April 2023, 20:18

Tonight With Andrew Marr 18/04 | Watch Again

By Abbie Reynolds

You can watch Tuesday's Tonight with Andrew Marr again in full here.

Andrew Marr was joined by:

  • Henry Dimbleby - Co-founder of Leon restaurants, who recently quit as the independent advisor to the government on food strategy
  • Minette Batters - President of the National Farmers Union
  • Professor Sir Michael Marmot - Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London and former member of the World Health Organisation
  • Stephen Gethins - Former SNP MP for East Fife (2015-19), former SNP Europe Spokesperson and Professor of International Relations at St Andrews
  • Father Martin Magill - Priest who delivered a sermon during Lyra McKee's funeral that is credited with galvanising Northern Ireland politicians and the British and Irish governments into re-starting the Stormont talks
  • Alison Millar - Director of the Channel 4 Documentary 'Lyra' which was shown at an event with Hillary Clinton in Belfast on Saturday
  • David Aaronovitch - Former columnist at The Times and now writing at Notes from the Underground on Substack
  • Dr Aaron Scott - Associate Professor in Respiratory Science at the University of Birmingham

Watch Tonight with Andrew Marr exclusively on Global Player every Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 7pm