Coronavirus: Nigel Farage caller in Italy warns England 'doesn't understand what's coming'

10 March 2020, 20:26

A woman living in Milan has told Nigel Farage doctors in Italy are starting to "panic" and England doesn't understand what may be coming.

The entire country was placed under quarantine yesterday in an effort to contain the virus, which at the time of writing has infected 9,172 and killed 463.

Nicola, who lives in the centre of the city told Nigel that conditions in the country are "pretty grim" conditions in hospitals are "terrible".

She said: "It's pretty grim to be honest. Nobody's really at work and most people are working from home.

"I work with banks and I work with doctors as well.

"They're still going into the bank, but they're not having visitors or doing that much business."

Speaking about the conditions in the hospitals, Nigel said that the "sheer numbers of people" swamping the hospitals were making things "very difficult."

Nicola agreed, saying: "Most of the doctors are starting to get really panicky because things are just terrible in our hospitals in Lombardy.

"They're on their knees, they've not got enough respirators they're having to make choices as to who to treat. It's just terrible.

"If you're over 60 years of ages your chances aren't very high of getting a respirator now."

So far in England, 373 people have been infected with Covid-19, with the death toll currently standing at six.

But Nicola warned that Brits may not be aware of what is to come, adding: "I'm a little worries that England doesn't understand what may be heading your way."

Watch the full exchange in the video above.