'It's just totally disingenuous': Sangita Myska reacts to Braverman's push for police to investigate 'every theft'

28 August 2023, 19:02

Sangita Myska responds to Suella Braverman telling the police 'every theft' must be investigated

Madeleine Wilson

By Madeleine Wilson

Sangita Myska responds to Suella Braverman, saying that her policies are an attempt to address a problem the government played a role in creating.

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Sangita spoke to listeners after Home Secretary Suella Braverman said she would issue police forces with new guidance to investigate all thefts in a new push to increase solution rates for low-level offenses.

Suella Braverman told the Daily Telegraph that all thefts will be investigated if there is a "reasonable line of inquiry" after her Home Office struck a deal on advice to be issued across England and Wales by the College of Policing.

Sangita said: "A third of frontline officers now have got under five years of experience, and as a society, we are asking them to do an incredibly difficult job — to protect ordinary citizens in this country."

Read more: Every theft should be investigated, Braverman tells police, as she threatens 'special measures' for failure

It comes after the police have faced pressure from ministers in recent months to improve conviction rates, as the numbers for ‘low level’ crimes such as theft have plummeted in recent years.

Earlier this week it emerged that more than three-quarters of burglaries reported go unsolved, amounting to some 213,000 burglaries in 2022.

She continued: "I feel really passionately that it's not just the general public that has been let down. The police themselves have been let down, and this government has not been honest about that.

"They do not admit that what Suella Braverman is trying to do, in my view, is to solve the very problem that they created. Yeah, absolutely. It's just totally disingenuous."

Read more: Braverman calls for more stop and search as she hits out at police for 'dancing in the street' and 'debating gender'