Ian Payne 4am - 7am
Does The Pope Get Secret Information?
When I was at Catholic school, I heard that when a new Pope is elected they get given a piece of parchment which has written information on it that only the other priests know. Is this true?
Annabel, Wimbledon
Name: Claire, Ealing
Answer: The rumour is that this began when the Virgin Mary passed on information which, she commanded, should go to every single pope; classified information do with the apocalypse. The parchment is put in a sealed box, which the pope keeps under his pillow, until it is time to pass it on.
Name: Martin, Harlow
Answer: The Pope receives an envelope with the mysterious items. He then reseals it with his personal seal and then puts it back in the vault, which is guarded. No-one knows what is in it, but they would know it has been tampered with, because of the personal seal.