Latest Mystery Hour Questions

Hosts of Izmir Wildlife Park

Mother in 'serious condition' after being viciously mauled by wolf pack during jog through safari park

Crocodile caught in van by authorities.

Crocodile that terrorised village and 'lunged' at children is killed and cooked for traditional feast

Pipes (left) and Elbie

Millions of cat owners face £500 fine from today if animal is not microchipped - with 2.2 million still unchipped

Elon Musk's Starship returns to Earth as NASA says flight as 'another step closer' to returning man to the Moon - then Mars

One large step: Elon Musk's Starship returns to Earth without exploding bring a return to the Moon closer

There are calls for mobile phones to be totally banned for under 16s

Calls for mobile phones to be totally banned for under 16s

The government has announced £15.5 million of new funding to back the technology

Rishi Sunak to announce new AI technology able to locate cancer 2.5x quicker than doctors alone