Southern Giant Hornet (Vespa soror) Insecta.

Swarm of ‘murder hornets’ discovered in Europe for the first time - as scramble to track down nest begins

Retired police dog Bear found the missing man on his first walk since surgery.

Retired police dog rescues missing man on first walk since major surgery

RSPB mutiny after veteran manager sacked over unfounded claims he treated Syrian refugee colleague 'like a slave'

RSPB mutiny after veteran manager sacked over unfounded claims he treated Syrian refugee colleague 'like a slave'

Several wallabies have been spotted in Nottinghamshire

Multiple wild wallabies spotted in Nottinghamshire prompts wildlife experts to ask public to report new sightings

Male Barbary lion Qays at Belfast Zoo Kingdom of the Barbary Lion, the new habitat created for three barbary lions at Belfast Zoological Gardens.

Inquiry under way at Belfast zoo after worker ‘locked in enclosure with lions’

'Hero' doctor saves wife in 'final act' before he is eaten by 16ft crocodile on family camping trip in Australia

'Hero' doctor saves wife in 'final act' before father-of-three is eaten by 16ft crocodile on family camping trip in Australia

Londoners warned to stay away from dolphin spotted in River Thames as locals says mamal was 'struggling with tide'

Two dolphins found dead on banks of the River Thames just days after one was spotted swimming through London

Londoners warned to stay away from dolphin spotted in River Thames as locals says mamal was 'struggling with tide'

Londoners warned to stay away from dolphin spotted in River Thames as experts say mammal was 'struggling with tide'

Hosts of Izmir Wildlife Park

Mother in 'serious condition' after being viciously mauled by wolf pack during jog through safari park

Crocodile caught in van by authorities.

Crocodile that terrorised village and 'lunged' at children is killed and cooked for traditional feast

Pipes (left) and Elbie

Millions of cat owners face £500 fine from today if animal is not microchipped - with 2.2 million still unchipped

The sound of the police? A bird has learnt to mimic the sound of a siren

Special Branch: Officers baffled after bird in tree outside police station mimics sound of siren

The swan - which has now been named Steve - was rescued from the roof of

Steve the swan saved by firefighters in supermarket roof rescue