Tonight with Andrew Marr 1/12 | Watch again

1 December 2022, 20:55

Tonight with Andrew Marr - 1/12/2022

You can watch Thursday's Tonight with Andrew Marr in full here.

Andrew Marr was joined by:

Robert Colville - Director of the Centre for Policy Studies

David Simmonds - Conservative MP for Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner and Chair of the APPG on Housing and Planning

Ian Blackford - Outgoing leader of the SNP in Westminster and MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber

Paul McNamee - Editor of The Big Issue

Annie Zaleski - Music journalist and author who has documented ten of Christine's greatest hits for The Guardian

Lord Jeffrey Archer - Former Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party

Emily Sheffield - Columnist at The Evening Standard and the newspaper's former Editor (2020-21) - who is a regular contributor on LBC