Tonight with Andrew Marr 24/11- Watch again

24 November 2022, 21:39

Tonight with Andrew Marr - 24/11/2022

You can watch Thursday's Tonight with Andrew Marr in full here.

Andrew Marr was joined by:

Inna Sovsun - Member of the Ukrainian Parliament and Deputy Leader of the Golos Party

Olga Tokariuk - Ukrainian journalist and resideXnt fellow at the Oxford Reuters Institute

Arkady Ostrovsky - Russia Editor as the Economist who has written the foreword to President Zelenskyy's new book 'A Message from Ukraine'

Professor Paul Pearson - Professor of Earth Sciences at UCL who made this discovery

Arkady Ostrovsky - Russia Editor as the Economist who has written the foreword to President Zelenskyy's new book 'A Message from Ukraine'

Baroness Sally Morgan - Political Secretary to Tony Blair (1997-2001)

Joey Jones - Senior Counsel at Grayling, a public affairs agency

Baroness Kate Fall - Former Deputy Chief of Staff to David Cameron and Author of 'The Gatekeeper: Life at the Heart of No.10'

Watch Tonight with Andrew Marr exclusively on Global Player every Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 7pm