Tonight with Andrew Marr 30/11 | Watch Again

30 November 2022, 20:36

Andrew Marr 30/11/22

Madeleine Wilson

By Madeleine Wilson

You can watch Wednesday's Tonight with Andrew Marr in full here.

Andrew Marr was joined by:

  • Damian Collins - Conservative MP for Folkestone & Hythe, who chaired the Joint Select Committee on the Online Safety Bill, and former Parliamentary Undersecretary of State at the Department for Culture, Media & Sport.
  • Claudia Collins - Damian Collins' 15 year-old daughter who has made a BBC Documentary called 'Molly, Social Media and Me'.
  • John Carr - Secretary of the UK Children's Charities' Coalition on Internet Safety and former Vice-President of Myspace. He is also advising on the Internet Safety Bill.
  • Professor Sir David King - Former Chief Scientific Advisor (2000-07), Foreign Office Special Representative for Climate Change (2013-17).
  • Maria Ressa - Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Filipino American Journalist and CEO of Rappler.
  • Alom Shaha - Who grew up in a devout Muslim community but lost that faith and has written the 'Young Atheists Handbook: lessons for living a good life without God.

Watch Tonight with Andrew Marr exclusively on Global Player every Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 7pm