Matt Frei 1pm - 4pm
"We're the laughing stock of the world" Caller vows to leave UK as Spain lifts restrictions
21 June 2020, 08:57
Caller will go to Spain as soon as he can and won't return to UK
This caller told Matt that he won't return to the UK until the government has gotten a grip on its coronavirus response.
Spain has announced plans to abolish quarantine rules for people coming in to the country from Monday, which means Britons may be allowed to holiday in the country this summer.
Andy phoned Matt Stadlen to tell him that the opportunity has given him the chance to go back there and not to return to the UK until the government has a grip on coronavirus.
"I'm gonna be leaving this country hopefully by next week and I'm going back to Spain and I'm staying in Spain for as long as I can until this pandemic, or this country gets some sort of grip on it because I will feel ten times safer in Spain."
He told Matt that the approach to coronavirus in Spain has been fundamentally different to the UK in every way, pointing out "every single supermarket is providing customers with gloves, with masks, with sanitiser" he added that "they've got proper security guards over there that have more kit on then our police."
"I wish I never came back here" the Chiswick native said, telling Matt that the UK's response has been sub-par for him.
"I haven't even got words for it" he said, expressing his disbelief at how different the UK's approach has been.
"Every other nation in the world are wearing masks" Andy said, and concluded that "we're the laughing stock of the world" for our response.
Matt went on to break down his own knowledge of the differences between countries' responses to coronavirus, using Liverpool manager Jürgen Klopp's account of the German response to coronavirus and comparing it to the UK's response.
"I don't know where people's minds are at in this country" Andy said, baffled not only at the government response, but at the attitude of the British people to coronavirus.
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