Nick Ferrari 7am - 10am
24 November 2021, 07:23
A harrowing clip played in court has shown six-year-old Arthur Labinjo-Hughes cry out "no one loves me".
It comes as his father, Thomas Hughes, 29, and stepmum Emma Tustin, 32, have been accused of killing him.
The six-year-old died from an "unsurvivable brain injury", allegedly facing a "campaign of cruelty" and being poisoned with salt.
West Midlands Police released the audio and video footage played to jurors at the pair's murder trial.
In another audio clip, the little boy could be heard sobbing: "No one's going to feed me."
Read more: Father accused of murdering son, 6, threatened to 'take his jaw off', court hears
Video footage from June 16 2020 also showed a frail Arthur.
Describing the footage, Prosecutor Jonas Hankin QC, told the jury: "Arthur wakes up and stands.
"He appears to be struggling to fold his duvet. He appears to be crying and struggling on his feet.
"He drags his duvet on the floor out of the living room."
Warning: This clip may cause distress.
Harrowing video of crying boy
It comes after a court heard that the boy's dad, Hughes, threatened to "take his ****ing jaw straight off his shoulders", during the second day of the trial at Coventry Crown Court.
Jurors heard a several audio recordings made by Tustin, some of which were sent to Hughes, as they were taken through audio, video, photo and messaging evidence from September 2019 through 2020's first lockdown and into May 2020.
Prosecutor Jonas Hankin QC also read excerpts from WhatsApp messages between the couple.
Hughes and Tustin deny murder and child cruelty.