Tonight with Andrew Marr 20/09 | Watch Again

20 September 2023, 19:27

Watch Again: Andrew Marr 20/09/23

By Georgina Greer

You can watch Wednesday's Tonight with Andrew Marr in full again here.

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Andrew Marr was joined by:

  • Chris Skidmore - Conservative MP for Kingswood and Chair of the Environment APPG
  • Natasha Clark - LBC's Political Editor
  • John Cauldwell - Philanthropist & Founder of Mobile Retailer Phones4u
  • Dale Vince - Founder of Ecotricity, the world’s first green energy company
  • Sir Peter Westmacott - Former British Ambassador to the United States (2012-2016)
  • Anders Fogh Rasmussen - Former NATO Secretary General (2009-14), Former Prime Minister of Denmark (2001-09)
  • Andy Palmer - Former COO of Nissan, Former CEO of Aston Martin, now Chair of InoBat, manufacturers of Electric Batteries