Nick Abbot 12am - 1am
22 April 2023, 17:01
Sangita Myska mono on Stephen Lawrence extended
On the 30th anniversary of Stephen Lawrence's death, Sangita Myska says his murder was 'equivalent to a modern-day lynching'.
Sangita Myska discussed the murder of Stephen Laurence as she soliloquized on the impact his murder has had.
Sangita said: "I'm not going to dress this up for anyone, it was the equivalent of a modern-day lynching on the streets of Britain".
Stephen was murdered in a racially motivated attack in Eltham, south-east London on the 22nd April 1993.
An investigation into the treatment of his murder by police found "institutional racism" in the MET.
She went on to credit those who had sought justice for Stephen, including police officer Clive Driscoll who she said "made it his mission to see justice done".
She went on: "It was the single fact that there was a dignified, determined fight launched by Stephen's parents, Neville and Doreen Lawrence with the support of their legal teams...that kept the murders in the news for 30 years".
Sangita continued, recalling her own memory of when she heard of Stephen's death.
She said: "I remember hearing the news that a black teenager in London had been murdered by racists.
"I remember what I did, I went upstairs and sat on my mums' bed, I picked up the phone and I rang my friend and I said it's happened.
"I mean the thing we knew was happening, that there were no go zones for black and brown people in parts of London.
"That even if we were being attacked, spat at, sworn at, injured, killed - the people that should care about us, didn't."
She then praised ethnic minorities in Britain.
"Look how well we've done...we have come here, we have worked hard, we have become part of Britain."
"The person who couldn't do that was Stephen Lawrence."
Sangita went on to refer to the recent MET police report led by Dame Louise Casey saying: "We saw...only recently that institutional racism, misogyny and homophobia still affects the police force that failed the Lawrence family.
She referred to Stephen Lawrence's murder as "the reason" we talk about institutionalized racism today.
"It took the murder of a black man and the fight launched by his family...to get British society to the point where we understand what institutional racism, sexism and misogyny is."
She concluded: "Stephen's murder...has at least given us the language to have a conversation."